Thursday, 5 February 2009

Do Much More With Your Coffee Grounds!

Since we shared the Java Jive Coffee Scrub recipe with you, I thought it would be interesting to add on some other things you can reuse your coffee grounds for - you'll be surprised at the many household chores that are simplified with them!

Bye-bye ants

If you find ants marching across your house with impudence, try to locate their anthill (or the hole in the wall they appear from) and spread some coffee grounds around it. They don't seem to like it much, and soon you'll be happy to note that the ants are conspicuously absent.

Bye-bye cats

Uh huh. Cats don't like coffee much either. To get cats to find someplace else to call "bathroom", simply mix some coffee grounds with orange peel and place it on the spots you want the feline offenders to stay clear of.

Cut through the grime and grease on pots and pans

As a full time home maker, I truly appreciate this tip! Coffee grounds are a natural, gentle abrasive that make easier work of cleaning cooking utensils that are oily or encrusted with food.

Eliminate odours

From your hands: rub some wet grounds between your hands.

From your freezer: try putting a bowl or two of used coffee grounds in there overnight.

From your kitchen drain/sink: pour in some coffee grounds, followed by boiling water. Enjoy the uplifting aroma of coffee wafting up!

I've tried these and they worked well for me. Got any more uses you'd like to share with us? Post a comment! :)


Ice said...

Thank you for sharing. I like the "eliminate odours" part you suggested. I even make soaps out of brewed coffee. They smell divine (scented).

Salameander said...

Heh, yes coffee does smell incredibly uplifting! Where do you get your coffee grounds from? I just found out that Starbucks gives them away for free (though I haven't used them myself - I grabbed a bag for my parents to use as fertilizer :p)